Adding a new Single Item to the inventory list.
Inventory button on the Homepage > Manage items
To manage the inventory, first and foremost we need to create an item. Inventory items are used to identify, count, and manage physical goods or materials.  The purpose of manage items is to create item detail which can be used further in manage inventories for different operations like addition, movement & consumption.
When the user selects Manage Items, the following screen appears:
Enter the details in the respective fields to add an item:
Item | Text Field to enter the name of the item | Yes |
Category | Categories listed in the application will be available as a drop-down option. | No | Categories are created in application settings. |
Item Code | The system can generate an automatic code for that particular item and these formats can be managed from System generated code Formats in advanced settings. | No
Price | Enter the average price/actual price of a single item. | No
Asset | Select the asset from drop-down that requires to be linked with the inventory item. | No
| Asset drop-down has all the assets listed in the application. |
Unit | User can select the unit for the item | No
| Unit field drop-down can be updated in application settings |
Description | Free text field to enter description of the item | No
Upload Files | User can upload files linked to the item. | No
HSN Code | the items may carry a HSN Code which can be entered here. | No
Click on the Save button, to save the Item details. Item created will be updated in the grid on the same page. The user can filter items using Asset, Category and another specific field through filters present above the grid. 
The user can view, add, update and delete an inventory